Find out the words and phrases you should use in a well-written product description. Your buyers will be impressed by a high-quality product description, and Google will enjoy it as well. (product features)
A high-quality product page, which includes a high-quality product description, can assist customers in learning more about the product and eventually making a purchase decision.
Stores become more trustworthy as a result of this knowledge, and you will be able to maintain a long-term relationship with your customers. Of course, this results in a more prosperous firm.
The most important guideline is that the product description cannot be identical or even comparable to that of any other website.
Every item in every store need its own product description.
Simply follow this how-to guide to ensure that your store is compliant.
Step 1: Recognize the significance of unique product descriptions.(product features)
The store owners are frequently copy and paste product description directly from the manufacturer’s website
In the short term, this saves time and money, but it puts these stores at a disadvantage in terms of long-term value.
Customers and search engines like original product descriptions. Not only that, but they prefer relevant, instructive, and well-written descriptions provided by a knowledgeable individual.
With this desire in mind, Google implemented the “Farmer” algorithm upgrade to its search engine. It was a modification in the way their software indexes webpages, and it was intended to screen out content that was copied and pasted.
This upgrade is intended to lower the rankings of low-quality sites, such as those that provide little value to users, replicate content from other websites, or are simply not very useful. Simultaneously, it will boost the rankings of high-quality sites with original content and information, such as research, in-depth reporting, and intelligent analysis.
This quote from Google employee Matt Cutts is obvious evidence that Google likes online retailers with distinctive product descriptions.
What Does Duplicate Content Look Like in Step 2?(product features)
Duplicate content occurs when you found repeated phrases and sentences from other websites.
Take a look at the example below, which is from the OZtrail website. Take note of the first bullet point wording, which states, “Cross pole constructions provide quick set up, increased strength, and water shedding design.”
If you search for this identical phrase on Google, you’ll get 1,640 results. This suggests that at least 1,640 other retailers are offering the same product information as the original retailer.
Google will normally give the most credence to the information’s original author and rank their website higher in the search engine results. The original author is usually the one who receives the most visitors.
Consider that for a moment.(product features)
How would clients choose amongst 1,000+ online suppliers who all have the same product information? It becomes a ‘race to the bottom,’ with merchants competing solely on price.
As a result, it becomes a contest to see who can charge the least, which will drive some people out of business.
The approach – and one that Google is promoting – is to deliver greater value to customers.
Customers will perceive you as more trustworthy and knowledgeable about the things you sell if you write distinctive, intriguing, useful, innovative, and tempting product descriptions.
To avoid the penalty imposed by Google’s “Farmer” update, make sure that each product in your store has its own unique product description.
How Can You Tell If A Product Description Has Been Plagiarized?
It’s simple to determine whether your content is original or scraped. We can use copyscape and Plagiarisma to check for duplicate content online.
Your Web Developers or Virtual Assistant will be able to file a content removal request with Google if content has been scraped from another website.
Step 3: Familiarize Yourself With Good Examples
Watch the screencast to see some instances of how you might handle the difficulty of writing about a product that doesn’t have a lot of information.
Include Related Concepts in Example 1
You can either rewrite the manufacturer’s description or come up with something new. This example from Appliances Online demonstrates how they went about crafting product descriptions.
The text is generic, but they include related keyword terms like “ice dispenser,” “kitchen,” “plumbing,” “fridge,” and “freezer”. In your product descriptions, it’s critical to incorporate some useful keywords.
You might imagine a client searching for “fridge with ice dispenser” on Google, thus incorporating that phrase in your own product description will increase your exposure.
Exercising Creativity in Your Descriptions (Example 2)
You can also be a little more creative with your descriptions. We can see another approach this illustration from the J. Peterman Company. They’ve added a touch of playfulness and discussion to the mix.
This enables them to be more creative with their product descriptions and supply more text than they could otherwise.
Step 4: Characteristics of a High-Quality Description
You’ll need the following to develop an effective product description that sells:
A deep understanding of the product and how it interacts with the rest of the line’s competitors and other products This implies you’ll have to conduct online research on the product as if you were a customer.
This implies you must put yourself in the shoes of the consumer and actually try to comprehend the difficulties they confront in picking which “chair” is best suited to their needs.
the flexibility to repurpose material from a variety of sources for your store This entails conducting extensive research on the Internet and consulting a variety of sources in order to gain a comprehensive understanding.
to double-check your spelling and punctuation.
You will be an excellent writer of product descriptions if you have a thorough understanding of the items and categories.
There are numerous resources available to learn more about the product. You’ll notice as you begin your investigation that some sources are more credible and valuable than others.
Emails from customer service. For example, we respond to customer support emails every day. These have product knowledge in them.
Step 5: Create a clear product description
Each product should include a decent summary/introduction that explains how it can be used and who it is best suited for. For the customer, this “sets the tone.” They will be able to tell if they are looking at the correct product or not.
The introduction should also highlight a distinguishing feature of this product in comparison to others. Is this item bigger, smaller, cheaper, more durable, or lighter? Is there a different colour? This aids the buyer in determining whether they prefer a larger or smaller product.
The weight ratings of portable chairs, for example, indicate that they can be utilised for a variety of applications. A less weight chair can be brought to a sporting event and will fit in the back of the car more comfortably.
Another chair, on the other hand, may not fold flat but is more durable for camping. More than a list of features should be included in the product description.
It should serve as a link between the online and offline worlds.
It’s also a good idea to specify whether or not the product comes with free shipping. Also, we have an excellent return policy, we’ve been in business since 200X, and we’re kind people.
We don’t simply discuss the product; we also take the time to highlight at least one positive feature of the organisation. This contributes to the customer’s and the store’s mutual trust.
The feature or specification list should come after the summary. We can use technical words like 600D, but non-technical readers will need to be simplified.
Is the fabric hefty or light in weight? What does the letter D stand for? Writing about more technical features and explaining them in plain English is a fantastic approach.
Source: product rule , product features